


K1 specular machine for automated manufacturing - aluminum alloy sequins, mobile phone spare parts a





About Us

  Jiangsu quite intelligent equipment co., LTD., is located in the xuzhou economic and technological development zone, is set research and development, production, sales and service in one of professional manufacturer of high speed machine tool manufacturing. Since its inception, has been committed to manufacturing high speed machine tool, is the present domestic a completely independent research and development production one of the high speed machine tool manufacturers.    The company has the first-class technical talent, modern office space, equipment, and standardized workshop, perfect quality assurance methods -- ISO9001:2000 quality management system, and passed the CE quality certification. Companies with domestic 3 c electronic products, new energy vehicles industry development needs and international machine tool market development trend, developed a series of high quality continuously, close to the customer requirements of machine tools, which is in the leading position in domestic.    Ting machine tools with high speed, high precision, high finish, the characteristics of the current main products are: high machine, engraving and milling machine, drilling and milling machining center, high-speed machining center, five axis machining center, gantry machining center, etc. Widely used in mobile phones, computers, household appliances, automobiles, medical equipment and other industries. Now a company development matures, gradually stabilize the domestic market, products are exported to foreign markets such as Germany, India, Brazil, the Czech republic.    Our partners are: Taiwan new generation, Taiwan, Spain, Taiwan SAN jie of silver hair, Taiwan - auspicious, Germany rexroth, Germany schneider, Japan virtue dragon, Japan YASKAWA, Japan omron, etc.    Our main clients are: byd auto industry Co., Ltd., Goldlok Toys Holdings (Guangdong) Co., Ltd, skyworth group, midea group, etc.    【more】

Contact Us

聯 系 人:Miss Li
通訊地址:Xuzhou economic and technological development zone in jiangsu jing mountain road no. 55
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